Another year, another story....
Sitting on the couch, thinking about the past few months, all the love, all the care and all the great times we shared. Not everyone around you can make you laugh when you don't even want to
smile. Not everyone around you can make you feel better, just by
listening to you. Not everyone around you can say that they'll always be
there for you and even keep up to that. Not everyone around you can
make your life on earth, like living on paradise, but you never cease to amaze me.
Despite the billions of times I went wrong, messed up and hurt you, you never gave up on me, even through my darkest moments. You got a big and kind heart like no other. On your birthday, I thought of giving you the cutest gift in the world.
But then I realized that is not possible, because you yourself are the
cutest gift in the world. How can I give you yourself?
I may not be with you to celebrate this special day but near or far, I just wanna wish you the best of life's sweetness, unending joy, love, peace and prosperity. Thank you so much for being such a darling.
No matter where I go, I'm sure I'll never come across a
person who has a smile cuter than yours.
You're a star!
Happy Birthday
to you dear. Love ya Muchos..!!
awwww hbd dear you re really special